Question Time- Liquidity Law Decree – First Home Tax Benefits

May 4, 2020
  • Famiglia – VIncent van Gogh – First steps, after Millet (1890) – MOMA


Q.: I sold my “first home”: in order not to lose the “first home tax benefits”, how much time do I have to buy a new “first home” and live there?

The term of one year between the two “first home” purchases, as provided by law, is suspended from February 23rd, 2020 to December 31st, 2020; this means that the term is counted until February 22nd, 2020 (inclusive), and it restarts from January 1st, 2021. In order to make an exact calculation of the term, it is advisable to consult a lawyer.

Q.: I am resident in Milan, I bought a house in Rome with “first home tax benefits”, signing the notarial deed on January 31st, 2020: within what time do I have to move my residence to  Rome?

The 18 month term from the date of the notarial deed of sale, within which the buyer must transfer the residence to the Municipality where the house purchased with the “first home tax benefits” is located, is suspended from February 23rd to December 31st, 2020: you must therefore transfer your residence to the Municipality of Rome by June 9th, 2022 (it is advisable to make the transfer in any case by May 31st, 2022).

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