Giuseppe Domenico Tirrito
Born in San Cataldo (Caltanissetta) on 25 November, 1974.
Graduate cum laude in law from the LUISS “Guido Carli” University of Rome in 1999, admitted to the Bar in 2002.
Founder and partner of the firm “Berardi Fiocchi Tirrito e Associati”, Giuseppe Domenico focuses on commercial and company law, providing both consultancy services and judicial assistance. He has a specific experience in substantive and procedural aspects of international private law and in claims for damages caused by physicians’ negligence or misconduct.
He has been a lecturer at the courses of EU Commercial Law, Comparative Private Law and Comparative Legal Systems at the LUISS “Guido Carli” University of Rome, author of several papers and co-author of the primer “Lessons of EU Commercial Law” (2006).
Languages: English, Spanish.